Johannesvik Camping is responsible for processing the personal data that you register. This data includes:
-first and last name
-telephone number
-e mail adress
-booking information, such as date of arrival, departure
-Camping Key card data
Your information will NOT be sold, but will only be used by Johannesvik Camping. Johannesvik Camping will process your personal information in order to administrate your reservation and payment of your camping spot, to send information about offers, news to you as a guest and information as requested by the guest.
Remember that:
-You can once a year ask without any extra costs to read your personal data we have registered and where we got them from.
-You can whenever you like ask to change your personal data we have registered..
-You can whenever you like ask us to either partially or permanently erase your personal data from our system by contacting us.
Johannesvik Camping will store your information until the turn of the year, provided you have not made a reservation for the forthcoming year. If you do not wish to have your information stored in our system, you must notify Johannesvik Camping. The information will then be removed after your staying. When you make your reservation, you agree that Johannesvik Camping may save your personal information.
For questions, contact MFC Camping AB, Wägga Nordgård 1, 45634 Kungshamn.
Tele: 0523-323 87. Org.Nr: 559447-4925.